You should look into morpher’s WM3_AddProgressiveMorphNode and WM3_SetProgressiveMorphWeight for how to add progressive morphs and set their weights. …
Change modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject to modPanel.setCurrentObject sel.baseObject If you have more than one object selected, $ sort of wor…
Try the manual for BitArrays.
Well, let’s see: Delphi, Lua, io, Haskell, Chapel, CLIPS and in some cases COBOL, and a bunch of obscure ones. If you drop the arbitrary no “endif” r…
Verbatim string literals?: @”C:\bla\yada\yodo\yaddee” @”C: adaa\” == “C:\ adaa\\” “C: adaa\” != “C:\ adaa\\” — because gets expanded to tab chara…
The banking function in the path constraint is hardly predictable. If it’s an option, the simplest way would be to just keyframe the objects rotation …
I do not agree with some of that… Whether you’re a housewife or an experienced modeler who also plays way too much first person shooters, you will hit…
Regarding button sizes again. Fitt’s law is well researched and documented, yet its implications are too often ignored in tool UIs. It’s a problem wh…
The meaning of “My user designs UI for me” option is hard to comprehend… Voted “other” since I try to designing the ui based on how a particular tool…
Try: (superclassof obj != GeometryClass) If you use classof, for example, you get editable_poly, and in the comparison: editable_poly != GeometryCla…
No, arrays in max start with 1. At the last iteration you’re trying to access an element past the end of the array: LinkArray[LinkArray.count+1].par…
I have a function that I want to use to change the axis order of a bone, without changing the keyframe transforms of the existing animation. A limb…
DannyBoy3: I’m not sure what corresponds to a rotation in a matrix 3 object for example . I find the code confusing nit the math. The math is easy. …
But in this case replace instances will have the minor negative effect of not keeping the object’s earlier controllers in the newly created list. The…
Since you are probably just starting out, the primitive manual “textbook” way of solving this would have been: numbers=#(1,33,21,91,29,32,17) maxVal …