like I said… a renderer gets the mesh and a renderer can certainly write that information out to a buffer which another plugin could then read. There…
Rorschach… well, that only applies to -scripted- geometry plugins. If he’s using the SDK, there’s quite a few ways of preventing it There’s demos of…
output from cbLogger (shamepless plug: ): [color=Green]– UVW Unwrap modifier init stuff when accessing the drop-down(tsk tsk!) [/color]GE: #mtlR…
Marco is correct – there’s no real way to prevent a modifier from being added. You can take some steps to remove the modifier after it was added and …
looks like there’s several confusing bits and pieces… the custattributes are set up in an execute(), but they don’t actually enter the max system for…
looks like the errors generated are all of type… Type error: custAttributes.add requires MSCustAttribDef, got: undefined caused in… rig_foot() r…
fwiw – crash confirmed. Lots of UI flickering followed by some error (didn’t see it… will have to enable logging or keep listener in view) followed b…
Sounds like the PZ one ( ) works; but it will indeed only delete the duplicate faces. So if two faces share the same space, one gets deleted, leavin…
try adding a viewport redraw, perhaps
it should work fine, but you have to set the rendering properties of the objects in that layer to use ‘by layer’ as well. General Node Properties[le…
well, granted, when using Edit Spline and such you do run into some odd situations… not too dissimilar from the various Edit Mesh and Edit Poly bits a…
poorly? 😮 editable splines are pretty much completely accessible. you’d probably have to do any ‘rotating’ of segments yourself (by moving the knot…
something a la this, then? for o in objects where (isGroupHead o) do ( newMat = Standard diffuse:(random (color 96 96 96) (color 255 255 255)) for…
his line collects all object matching that pattern into an array… Even if there’s only 1 object that matches, he’ll still need to get that out of the …
<conspiracy mode>well, Kameleon, that’s just a plot between Microsoft and certain interested parties to have everybody move over to 64bit platfo…