sure, use: exportFile “c:\\folder\\filename.stl” #noPrompt
near’s I know, you… shouldn’t be writing to the virtualstore at all shouldn’t be writing to the application-side location for UI/scripts at all. No…
getNodeByName is the proper way, though. here’s a third, just for kicks… for o in objects where ( == curbone) do ( <something> )
if you use a form or page within your rollout, then you can access its .setChildIndex() method to move the controls along Z. Within a 3ds Max rollout…
pfff… much easier – multiplier curve! no cookies for anyone, then! cedes and makes sure to get PiX cookies next encounter
yeah, but instanced controllers don’t let you do all the fun and exciting stuff that you usually want to do. It’s great if you want two boxes to be t…
d’oh! I could’ve sworn you did (see my edit) hey, on the up side, though… here’s a good response to self: Marco’s implementation doesn’t crash, or l…
isn’t that called parameter wiring? :curious: Edit: let me clarify, as I know you’re familiar with parameter wiring… so my (implied) question was: ho…
mind sharing the actual code you use? The following should work: rollout roll_test “test” width:400 height:100 ( dotNetControl dno_combobox “Syste…
To instance a controller, you just make a direct reference: b[3][2].controller = a[3][2].controller For a copy, you’d use: b[3][2].controller = cop…
seems like a more code-agnostic form of bobo’s file format, in a way, at least as to its purpose. we coded something similar to BFF for materials and…
The way I think of it is the same as drdubosc’s; one -is- the data (what the data represents, and the actual data value), and the other -describes- th…
there’s… External File Methods[left]getFileVersion <filename_string> [/left] [left]Returns the file and product version for the specified fil…
Paul: of course not ( though maybe use a label other than testButton ) Marco: true, but can’t the same be said for most languages, really? Even Ma…
testroll.testbutton.font = dotNetObject “System.Drawing.Font” “Times New Roman” 24 — or with some font styling dnFontStyle = dotNetClass “System.Draw…