calling ‘continue’ within a loop will cause it to skip the remainder of the code and continue to the next loop iteration if (number < 0) do ( cont…
that you can, yes
That’s easy enough – the scripted modifier plugin would have its node binding code triggered whenever it is assigned to a node for the first time. …
note, however, that this doesn’t prevent the user from adding the modifier. You could check the stack of the object it is applied to* and make the mo…
no can do – can’t create your own toolbars nor add buttons to / removes buttons from existing toolbars using MaxScript. ( that is to say – you might …
does it give you a line where it says it’s throwing an error? As your code is incomplete, I had to feed it some supposed values… got no error: load…
would help to know what line it highlights when it gives that error, but… one thing to look out for is this: dirName = “D:\3D\Turk_DWG_Out” Alway…
try something like… dirName = “D:\3D\Turk_DWG_Out\maxfiles” for f in (getFiles (dirName+”\\*”)) do ( xrefs.addNewXrefFile f )
Well now that’s just taking random piles of paperwork scattered all over the office, sifting through it to remove the spam and questionable requests f…
Judging by the script, it works on a per-object basis, creating a new multimat for each. So yes, the material would be split up into two separate mat…
well, you could certainly map over any multi/sub-object materials. Keep in mind, though, that at some point you -have- to loop over the geometry that…
you could try automating the script… looks like it’s not really designed for that but you could go through the UI: for o in geometry where ((classOf…
Ortho camera FOVs depend on the target distance. Other than that, it’s the usual trigonometry bits. I.e. if you have a target 100 units away from th…
JHN: the thing I’m wondering though, how to disable it when your done with it…!? You set the variable that you stuck the event in to undefined an…
Done! It can be all yours for the minor sum of… puts pinkie to mouth I think there was another thread here somewhere about locking files – I don’t t…