You can still limit the allowed values – you’ll have to check the values in the callback function and write out an error message with the allowed opti…
might be similar to this thread: – “addModifier $ (CameraMap CameraNode:$Camera01)” doesn’t work quick test here worked okay, though – can you dig u…
you could dynamically create variable names, but for what you seemingly need, why not just create two radiobuttons (one for Left and one for Right), a…
ILS: I just want to know one last thing though: g = maxfilepath + “text.txt” “C: ext.txt” (dotNetClass “System.IO.File”).Create g dot…
must not be closing the file handle entirely somewhere, then – are you opening it twice, perhaps? opening it in a loop? etc. — create a temp file,…
well, with the function given, you wouldn’t use openFile at all – just feed the function the (string) path to the file, not a maxscript file handle …
probably the fastest method (takes a bit of memory as each line is a string in an array)… — usage: — deleteLine <string>filename <int&g…
oddly enough, that’s what 99% of the editors do when you delete a line… either… A. Create a new file Read a line from the old file Write that line to…
mmm… proprietary file formats. As far as viewing DLL files goes – can’t say that I do. I’m a long-time Total Commander user and there is a plugin fo…
might help if you told us the plugin / where to download. I’d start with ‘apropos <name>’ to see if it exposes something easily found. Otherwi…
the bend modifier’s source code seems to be part of the SDK – might be able to glean it from there
ahh, then yes, just go… — if the structs are in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 for i = 1 to <array>.count by 2 do ( — do something with <array>[i] ) -…
maybe it’s the hour of the day, but I’m entirely confused by what you just said arrays don’t have negative indexes (they all start at 1), so you alr…
groutcho: Do you really need to break our dreams ? well alright… how about replacing ‘mod <number> 2 != 0’ with ‘bit.get <number> 1’…
well gosh… if you need that, then why not 1. start your loop positive, at an even number and 2. use the ‘by 2’ statement in the loop so that it will n…