Yes, it can create and destroy them. However, it’s only to capture events – not to expose existing callbacks. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of th…
FbxExporterSetParam “Cameras” false exportFile “c:\ ocameras.fbx” #noprompt FbxExporterSetParam “Cameras” true exportFile “c:\\cameras.fbx” #noprompt …
no worries, we’re all here to help by the way, you might want to look into Custom Attributes. You can store these with a scene file as well, without…
only on file > new? Odds are you’d want it cleared when loading an existing file as well, no? Anyway… for file > new, it’ll be similar to this…
yeah, it’s a bit odd… almost seems like they simple forgot to add a .create() method; similar to how gamma used to be exposed… you could set display g…
Except that it’s not… The global variable name must exist, otherwise a runtime error will be generated ( The first line of the documentation is a…
you’ll have to use execute() rollout roll_test “roll_test” ( edittext edt_test “variable name:” text:”myVar” spinner spn_test “variable value:” b…
off-topic: The XView stuff is pretty awesome – it’s proven very useful already, by allowing a quick view of which objects – and more specifically, whi…
I think you’re on the right track. The native functions don’t allow you to open the UI, so you’d have to build your own. If you want the original UI…
you’ll want to use: refs.dependents tex[1] , as refs.dependents returns an array of the results, and you’re looking at getting the first (and in you…
jonahhawk: in the snippet below, missingFramesFile = <File:\pdx-3dmanager\shortstore\jross\WilsonVilleBridge\20090428\WV_Render\MissingFrames.txt…
If you want to be more certain about the objects being unique (even when merging, etc.), set up an ID on the thing manually: callbacks.addscript #no…
you should never get a ‘hanging then’ in local scopes*. However, in a global scope (e.g. the maxscript listener, or even in a new script)… if (tru…
if the viewport has a camera (viewport.getcamera()), just move the camera. If it doesn’t, use viewport.setTM() to manipulate the viewport’s transform…
you have to specify the actual resource… and make sure it exists. e.g. — correct dnGet.dnGetDiskFreeSpace @”c:” false GBleft = (((dnGet.freeBytes/…