Gravey – note that your function only returns the children and grandchildren; Vsai and JHN’s methods should return the entire hierarchy down from the …
You’re looking for this, I think… “3ds Max Help”: startObjectCreation <maxobjclass> [returnNewNodes:<flag>] [newNodeCallback:<f…
so re-link it? basically I’d go with a script controller, that would certainly let you use the currently selected camera. In a network render, ther…
Unfortunately that does still leave you with the ‘O’ problem case. You’d have to run it three times… get all points inside the outer ring -> set…
you can mesh/extrude a non-coplanar splineshape, but keep in mind that you’re then transforming it into the third dimension and the whole question of …
use nearestPathParam to get the distance along the spline that is closest to your world point3 use pathInterp to get the world position of that point …
trout abuse! justified, though… keep slapping
well it isn’t so much an ‘equation’ as it is linearly transforming from one position to a new position? I.e. in a 1D case, if you have a point on a g…
well you just have to glue the two together myMatLib = getOpenFileName \ caption:”Load A Material Library:” \ types:”MaterialLibrary(*.mat)” if (…
have a peek at: Topic: Material Editor Command: loadMaterialLibrary <filename_string> Topic: MaterialLibrary Values <MAXMaterialLibrary>l…
cool – glad it works As for getting the modifier – no need to change the function supplied at all; it’s meant to be as abstract as possible so that …
odd how these things are not exposed… Two options… A. Max library file Save a 3ds Max file (say, ‘uvwxform.max’) with the modifier in each of the …
This is one… ((getFiles <filespec>).count > 0) …not sure if that’d be faster, exactly. Or you could go through ATSOps – that has a method …
no idea – seems like a bug ( your post pretty much has the exact findings in this earlier thread: )
glad that worked out great thinking, drdubosc