use as the expression: “amax 100 Height”. This will make it choose whichever value is greater, 100 or the value of Height, essentially making 100 the…
rollout roll_test “test” width:400 height:100 ( edittext edt_text “” width:300 height:50 button btn_create “create” on btn_create pressed do ( …
well, you could easily abstract that to a function of your own, of course as for the style… d’oh; doesn’t look like I have the Silver theme installe…
draw a rectangle, adjust its size based on the progress you want? P.S. What does this draw like on your screen? rollout roll_test “test” width:400 …
b.rotation.controller.z_rotation.controller.addScalarTarget “brot” a.customattrib[#radius]
alternatively, see the List controller’s Interface; showinterfaces $.radius.controller Interface: list Properties: .count : integer : Read .active :…
looks like editable poly does… <void><EditablePoly>.selectByMaterial <index>materialID [clearCurrentSelection:<bool>] or e…
have you tried with handleAt: set to #redrawView or #timeChange? If so and it still crashes… nothing you can do but use a timer to delay your code; t…
just to follow-up on that ‘internal delay’ bit… doesn’t look like that’s actually it. Looks like max (or maxscript) event processing itself simply ha…
Move the vertex a bit slower, perhaps. Essentially, this is the output I get when I move a vertex normally: #geometryChanged Vertex 2: [203.938,-10…
well it’s not supposed to work when you just move it; that’s not what you asked for ‘fraid you’ll -have- to set up a second ‘callback’ for that, as …
the nodeEventCallback lets you specify a function for the given callback type (instead of having a bunch of ‘node*EventCallback’ commands… e.g. ‘nodeG…
whoops… had it in there then lost it after trying a few other methods; code updated
edit: zap – can’t read. edit2: let’s try again. feh = undefined; gc light:true — remnant from testing, good to keep up top so I don’t… — …..
Indeed I am – mea culpa; adjusting the array used for a loop, could’ve sworn that didn’t work – time to review scripts :curious: