(shoot! why doesn’t cgtalk quote quoted quotes? gah!) JHaywood: I could phrase it differently and answer the question read both ways at the …
you’re gonna be SOL for the right mouse button with standard MaxScript – they never fixed that (if it even -can- be fixed); Mouse Cursors[left]mous…
‘you’ don’t… max calls them for you whenever certain events happen. try this code… fn test ev nd = ( format “ev % :: nd % ” ev nd ) temp = nodeEve…
it wouldn’t require user interaction, actually… The trackbar filter callback, change handlers, etc. all run automatically. The only problem is that …
might just make it a button that they would -have- to press, but if that’s not an option, I think you’d be stuck abusing some other callback (trackbar…
check out 鈥?dsmaxcmd.exe鈥?and Command Line Rendering / Running Scripts from the Command Line help topics. Note that GUI-less max instances – a la com…
not applicable to this thread, but… errr… matchPattern “” pattern:”**” — returns false. d’oh!
Well although I agree that one -shouldn’t- use them… any more than, say, spaces in file names, that doesn’t mean other people won’t… especially as 3ds…
Well, what I was getting at with the first one (single quotes)… This fine… a = sphere name:”Foot.L” b = sphere name:”OtherDude.Foot.L” select (exec…
as in the following…? select (execute (“$*\””+a.name+”\”*”))
Oh yeah, that’s right! well… screw the matchpattern, then – just go with dollarasteriskquotedoublequoteplus … but what happens if it contains a q…
JHN: Not directly but you could build a namepath string and execute it. select (execute (“$*”+selection[1].name+”*”)) The problem with tha…
You can’t use a variable in a name path, I’m afraid. If your object is “Teapot” and you’re looking for objects such as “Hello.Teapot”, “World.Teapot” …
you should be able to get the bounding box in the object’s local coordinate system using something like… nodeGetBoundingBox $ $.transform If you mak…
should tell us the problem you get [color=Red]– Error occurred in AddKeysFromFile() — Frame: — x: OK — file: “c:\3dsmax11\scripts\feh.txt”…