wouldn’t that give… #(#(Diffuse, alpha, Background), #(true, false, true), #(“name1”, “name2”, “name3”)) As opposed to… #(#(Diffuse, true, “name…
append theArray_all #(theArray1[i], theArray2[i], theArray3[i]) ?
start here… Read down to…. “Start an invisible process.” should be pretty self-explanatory
you may wish to use actual spline methods to create new shapes, one for each spline in the original shape, and re-create the splines there. But just …
welp, dunno… works here even if I toggle the checkbox like a madman… global callmat fn prico a b = ( print “i work” ) rollout roll_test “test” ( …
err… lots of edits… just to make sure: does it work for you now, with the ‘materialOtherEvent’ back in? It works here, at least. As for toggling qui…
first… like I said… make sure the variable you assign the node event callback ‘lives’ for as long as you need it… right now you’re assigning it to a v…
yep make sure your variable ‘lives’ as long as you need it… which in most cases means you’ll have to make it a global.
get the ‘amount’ value / calculate from the rate+start/stop of the Birth event? e.g. (getNodeByName “Birth 01”).amount
just concatenate the two, then? e.g. if you have… a = “PF Source 01” b = “Ev” then getNodeByName (a + “->” + b) ?
After some Googling about*… it seems like that format is poorly supported, if at all. So back to finding a LIB that supports TIFF saving with paramet…
are you saving from .NET itself, or copying the bitmap back into max prior to saving? If the latter, have a peek at the iTifIO interface (or just pla…
not sure about mental ray, specifically, but you can start a copy of max as a command-line renderer and set its priority low, certainly. Check the “C…
’tis in the first post – he wants to re-save the files so that they will save compressed (3ds Max File preferences). Could just be a few lines of cod…
shouldn’t require any script, really. If it complains about not finding any processing scripts, just create an empty “whatever.ms” file (i.e. doesn’t…