short: yes long: on roll_type open do ( edt5.AutoCompleteMode = roll_type.edt5.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend edt5.AutoCompleteSource = roll_type….
you’ll have to store the actively selected radio button index in a variable ( someVar = <radiobuttons>.state ), and then re-store that active se…
destroydialog will actually close the dialog the rollout is in. You’ll want to try something like this (as per Marco): global test_hello, test_worl…
rollout roll_test “test” ( button btn_test “test” on btn_test pressed do ( fileIn “c:\somefolder\” ) ) createDialog roll_test ? the main …
Gravey’s method is the appropriate method, I’m afraid. You could hack something like formatting the array to a stringstream first, the removing the c…
Try unregistering/destroying any dialogs -before- you re-define the rollout from which they’r made. Once you have redefined the rollout, any previous…
That would (almost*) work if the function names really are a/b/c and are defined as such… ouch, though : ( * can’t map a string; wish we could! ) It …
that’s an odd little piece of code there… regardless, I’d probably use something like this… fn a = print “Hello” fn b = print “World” fn c = print …
agreed wonder what happens when you try to drop a material on a dotnet control… .net must return some funky value for what just got dropped, presumab…
don’t think so… though you could pop up some menu on right-clicking the material/map button, I’m not sure where one would go from there. There’s no a…
I think you may be stuck without drag&drop – that only works if the scripted material/map button is in the material editor? Edit: The only partia…
I’m curious – how did this end up? 😮
You could possibly use a script controller somewhere. See the attached file for reference. The box has a script controller on its Width Segments tra…
nope – no such data is stored. At best you can find out if an object was created earlier or later than another object (by checking its handle)… but e…
one easy way to speed things up a good bit is by naming the new objects yourself: copy cy1 pos:[i,0.65,49.5] name:(“cy1_copya_” + i as string) c…