wouldn’t rely on that – that uses the name of the modifier, which is user-modifiable
ohh… I thought you -had- an object that, etc. and you wanted to ‘fix’ it. Well the solution is pretty much the reverse, I reckon… you’d have to make …
an expression or script controller might be governing what you’re trying to change… what -are- you trying to change? sounds curious, either way. Per…
mgr = netrender.getmanager() mgr.connect #manual “localhost” port:3234 jobs = mgr.getJobs() recommended reading: “Interface: NetRender” in the help …
try removing them in reverse fashion… i.e. for i = $.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do ( if ($.modifiers[i].name == “string”) do ( deleteModifier $ i ) …
hence the “where” Don’t let the math scare you off
look up one of the algorithms for figuring out where, in a triangle, a point sits. Alternatively, you could copy the UV coords to mesh using the chan…
you could get the hwnd of the control using UIAccessor – but maxscript itself lacks the access you require to add the scrollbar, as that is a Style, r…
all of the buffer methods are basically for plaintext strings only (short of the binary stream ones). If you want to parse anything more than very ba…
probably because you don’t want to use readValue. readValue interprets whatever gets read as a MaxScript parseable value. You probably want one of t…
other than using .NET – especially if this if for text entry into a text control anyway (as .NET gives you the character entered and you can parse tha…
you could, but then you wouldn’t be answering your own question besides… then you’ll have to figure out how to hide the spinner controls – and keep …
harefort – you’d have to cast the string to an integer/float first; and you then run into problems with certain time literals such as ‘t’, ‘f’, etc. (…
not too sure you can – though I may be mistaken. From what I’ve read, the .NET autocomplete functionality wraps IAutoComplete, which is not a .NET co…
simpler still might be to use a combobox, as that’s basically what you’re replicating ( though you’d still have to set up the autocomplete source, et…