Looks like the license at the top of the file allows redistribution – so… v1.03 ‘as is’ available from: Note the folder name – it’s only temporary a…
try something like this just after creating the contextMenu contextMenu.ImageScalingSize = dotNetObject “System.Drawing.Size” (width = 64) (height =…
it’s a collection of images stored in <imagelist>.images You can add an image to that list using <imagelist>.images.add <dotNetImage>…
well the first error I get with your code ‘as is’, is: — Compile error: Illegal input in readValue — In line: set 1 Basically that’s MaxScript…
oie – I should stop posting at 5:30am :applause: Edit: or… continue posting at 5:30am – as ‘readValue’ casts the read value to a string implicitly (t…
flyingaway: bigones[i].pos += point3 (readvalue thefile)(readvalue thefile) (readvalue thefile) 🙁 uh , what is wrong with the code , get erro –…
you forgot to use getPolygonCount to get the number of polies on the object. Right now you’re not actually getting the polygon count for the object. …
continue/exit (or, within a function, return) -can- be faster… but looks like you’d need to have a very long or intensive loop to see benefits. I do …
I’m not sure why you would have an ‘undefined’ in your $.ground list; you’re only adding the ground objects? One thing that does seem wrong is the ‘g…
viro: To me it looks like the intersect ray is returning ok as a value because it is in the for loop. Correct. The OK value you get is the resul…
also… anytime you’re still testing code that involves long / heavy loops, add this inside the loop… if (keyboard.escPressed) do ( throw “ESCAPE PRES…