the rollout can’t be open twice, so you’ll have to remove it, then open it as a dialog; not pretty removeRollout $.params createDialog $.params
excellent – glad it worked out in this case ( won’t always… e.g. if the number of branches/leaves vary; as you always need to know the exact number …
another option is to try and get the developer to expose the methods you need… but if they have no interest in doing so… again, see if navigating the …
If it’s a plugin implementing the tree view (and not his own scripted plugin using a .net treeview control), then the dotnet access isn’t going to be …
no such luck – you can’t construct the TVItem structure for the windows message to use (from which you would then get hItem). see if you can use keyb…
njen Not sure why you would want to set this on a stream itself; usually this sort of data comes from the aforementioned user properties buffer, in …
here… BoxParent = readdelimitedstring f ” “[/quote] …you read a string. Say “myObject”, into variable BoxParent Then here… $.parent = $BoxPar…
well, the variable’s default value could still be read from that ini, first-run, and written to the ini when appropriate… that sort of thing
well that would just be a matter of changing -where- that string gets inserted into a variable… global myInput = “Default” rollout roll_input “Enter…
Try opening a rollout with a text input field as modal so that your main script halts execution until that dialog is closed. The text input dialog th…
the problem is the UVW_Unwrap modifier you’ve got on top. the basic code you have works just fine, but the UVW_Unwrap is going to override it. If th…
it’s a temp file! clean-up… psh.
and here’s one using filesystem timestamps fName = ((sysInfo.tempdir) + (timestamp()) as string) fHandle = createfile fName close fHandle getFileCre…
if you want to be a bit more flexible in the time stamp written out, use getLocalTime(). It’s a bit more work to cast to a string to use, but well wo…
So you have some CA on an object… myCA = attributes test ( parameters main ( test type:#float default:123 ) ) mySphere = sphere() custAttributes…