err… not entirely sure what your code is supposed to do – but I’m going to guess you want an array of the positions of the currently selected knots? …
have a peek at pathInterp and lengthInterp; not sure what you mean by “at the same time”, though… “MaxScript docs”: Shape Common Properties, O…
out of sheer curiosity – how’d this end up?
you could use a look-up table, which you can auto-generate. — this takes a while 😉 myLUT = #() myLut[20000] = undefined for i = 1000 to 20000 do (…
well, it not crashing would be a good thing. However, since you’re using 2009, you’ll have to change the dialogTitle being checked for. add a “print…
just tested… does look like the SMD exporter ignores that flag… it also goes crash-happy when I try to automate closing the things (there’s two-three …
but did you try the SMD exporter ( I presume it’s this one: )? I’m guessing the export plugin itself has to respect the #noPrompt flag somehow.
mm… borked – even if you remove the parameters, rollout, etc. Same applies to MeshSmooth. D’oh. I’m sure there’s hacky workarounds, but all the one…
well, you could do it on the fly: (dotnetclass “Application”).VisualStyleState = (dotnetclass “Application”).VisualStyleState.NoneEnabled But, aga…
Looks this this would have been the ‘appropriate’ thread: But it got hijacked and pointed to this thread… which is more about the graphite modeling …
right-click the icon you use to start 3ds Max choose Properties… go to the Compatibility tab Enable/check the “Disable visual themes” option That shou…
I think try/catch is your only option. You could, however, keep a cache of parent classes and property names, and store their read/write, animateable…
both code samples work fine here – try switching to the Software viewport display driver… if it works with that for you, then it’s a driver-related is…
you’re not going to have much luck with maxscript OR the SDK; you’ll want to work with an API that can write Photoshop files properly. ( maxscript can…
” ” adds a newline character. “\r” ads a carriage return character ” ” thus adds a cr/fl set of characters; like pressing the enter key to end a line …