Hi, I think all you need is to use ‘Walkthrough’ mode navigation.
Thx Richard and Eric. The TextureMap Shared Classes Help topic is indeed an interesting read. well, I guess I’ll have to live without the curveContro…
HI, Well, you are confusing the EditablePoly and Polyop interfaces. also, radiobuttions have a state property, not a value property. here is the edi…
Hi, The naming you use is bad beacause is uses points. use single quotes around the name string: $‘my.weird name’ checkclass= execute(“classof $'”…
yep, I confirm the redraw bug you need to change to the create tab and back to modify tab to redraw it. Even clearing and re-adding the columns in the…
You could try using the garbage collection function: gc light:true light:true does not clear the undo buffer.
Hi, try this (not tested) else go to scriptspot.com for tons of solutions ( — replace ‘My Folder’ with your choice Files = getfiles “C:\\My Folder\…
Hi, to prevent the Unwrap window to be fully maximized you can use <Unwrap_UVW>.[font=‘Courier New’]setWindowXOffset offset[/font] and <Unw…
Hi, for bitmaps, you can use: for m in getClassInstances BitmapTexture do (m.fileName=filenameFromPath m.fileName)
Hi, I ported it to DotNet I hope Wahooney is Ok if not, I’ll wipe it out… I commented out the ActiveX lines and added the dotNet Stuff
Hi, – lookup TriMesh and you can reference some editable_mesh commands using b.mesh, but I can’t find the methods for it. there is no access to &l…
Hi, I ported this to DotNet for my personal use, if interested, i can post it (if bobo is OK with that, of course.
Hi, Seams to work fine here (Max2008) maybe posting the complete script could help… for FbxImporterSetParam “YUpZUp” <bool> try using: Fbx…
Hi, here you go ( rollout test_rollout “test” ( local cams=#() dropdownlist camSelect on test_rollout open do ( — grab al camera…