Is there a way that you could just write the macro script lines using format to a single file so that the last used are all in one file? Yep, simple…
Hi, funny you ask about this, I just did a little script to have a “recent script’ menu added to the MaxScript menu I used the .settitle funtion to…
That would depend on the type of material (standard, raytrace, etc…) but for standard Materials and multisub with standard materials, you could try m…
Yeah i already have this function to get SCENE nodes but for Treeview, the .children property returns the number of children, not the children themsel…
Hi, Thanks for the tip mobeen, very usefull ! But, the ‘getchildren’ function does not return anything unless ‘node’ has no children if ‘node” has …
Hi, The How-to example has a function to recursively ADD Scene Nodes to a tree: AddChildren What I am looking for is a better way to implement a ‘Ge…
HI, here is an example for the Reflection Map: MyMap=falloff () for obj in selection do Obj.material.reflectionMap=MyMap note: all selected objects…
Hi, This should not be too hard… As stated before go for a simpleObject plugin script. Look for help for more info… 3 variables defined in the UI: …
ot seams that the ‘outputFile=createfile savefile’ is called before savefile is defined (so it is undefined) just move the line in the ‘on Browse’ ha…
You need to save your values in a .ini file something like: on MyRollout close do ( setINIsetting myINI MySection MyVal1Name Myval1 – etc … ) then …
Hi, look for ‘instanceReplace’
Hi, Why use the trimesh data ? You could use the Bounding Box properties of the text: MyText=text text:“Some Text” size:50 centerpivot MyText – be…
HI Try declaring both functions before you define them with: ( local fc1, fc2 fn fc1 p1 p2 = (…) fn fc2 p1 p2 = (…) – then do the real call to the…