Hi, this error is beacause you are using a reserved Keyword for the button name: delete change to: button del “Delete L DOME” pos:[19,95] width:117 …
Hi, BitArray is used throughout 3ds Max to compactly encode selections as a string of bits a bit is an on-off or true-false or 1-0 VALUE. a bitarr…
Hi Look for setKnotPoint, setInVec, setOutVec in MaxScript Help
Hi, check the <MAXROOT>\plugin.ini file for duplicate paths
I think this is a job for WireParameters
Hi Ijust came to have to use this, so I made a small UI, and code change to read/write multiple splines to a text file. Thx Bobo ( fn export_s…
Hi to use a checkBox instead of a button, you can use the .isHidden property of an object example: – … checkBox eyes “Eyes” – … on eyes changed sta…
Hi, 2 ways of doing this: using ‘getClassInstances’ : getClassInstances BitMapTexture using ‘enumeratefiles’ from The help : ( BT=getClassIn…
You can’t write like you did Spot the defferences ! rollout testXref “Test Xref” ( group “rototoWire” ( spinner spn_scBrG “ScaleBrasG” range:[0,100,…
Ok, I just hoped i would’nt have to use get/setPixels Thanks for the replies
Hi, the problem is that you have defined a global variable ‘filters’ that has the same name as the global Struct ‘Filters’ as defined in stdplugs/std…
Hi, You have to give the selection as the argument of Filters.IsEditSpline change Filter.IsEditSpline() to Filter.IsEditSpline $
Not possible,AFAIK