jazz_arch: Thank you Keith! Sorry for late answer, but in meantime I had to deal with some annoying exams Fast test of the script on some circles …
RappyBMX: hy i just can’t find out how to do a few thing in max script ! here’s what i don’t know: how can i make a few buttons in the selected …
Hi, this works for me: ( for i = 1 to viewport.numViews do ( viewport.activeViewport = i viewport.SetShowEdgeFaces (true) ) redrawViews() )
Hi, Well seams easy enough ( — change RootDir and pat to what you need local RootDir=getdir #scene — Base folder to search local pat = “AB_*” — …
Hi, You probably get this error because you loop through the faces and after detaching, the face count changes. You should either update the face co…
Hi, Unfortunately, there is no workaround for Win64, since microsoft stopped ActiveX support. The only way is to update the script to use the Dotnet …
Thanks a lot for you answer. I just had a look at DialogMonitorOPS and UIAccessor Just I’m confused about the way to get the handle. Could anyone po…
Hi, I also have been struggling with this issue, and the way I ended up was writing to a batch file and then executing it something like: ( local b…
look up renderpresets in the maxscript reference. The general idea is: save a presset: loadmaxfile “MyFile.max” renderpresets.SaveAll 0 (GetDir #r…
Hi, you could load the file with the render settings you want, save them as a presset, and then load the presset in the new file.
Hi, from what I see the variable scriptpath is not initialized: and you you need a double \ in the path (because of ’ ’ wich maxscript sees as a tab c…
Hi, Interesting question out of the box I think you could try : select (for obj in geometry where not (meshop.getMapSupport obj.mesh 1) collect ob…
Hi, this should get you going, I hope MyPath=”C:\\renders\\grabs\\” viewport.setType #view_top img = gw.getViewportDib() img.filename = MyPath + (g…
@magicmOk, thanks didn’t know that