Hi ! you probably should use a spinner for that. but to convert text, you can use the ‘as’ keyword. rendNThFrame = txtNthFrame.text as integer
Hi, off the top of my head, I think you’d be better off putting the dll in the Windows dir
Hi I think this is a scope issue. execute runs in global scope, and since you have the rollout defined in local scope (if statement) the rollout is n…
Hi, Here is an example: ( try(destroyDialog test_Rol) catch() global test_Rol RCmenu TopMenu ( subMenu “File” ( menuItem m1_1 “Open…”…
that’s because the variable c is used twice in the loop first you say c = 1.0 (outside the loop), then c=standardMaterial() so it errors in the secon…
HI, you can try: ( a=“auto” b=“desk” execute (a+b+”=5″) – create a variable format “% = % ” (a+b) (execute (a+b)) )
There you go macroscript CkeckTest category:”Test” buttonText:”T” ( global Ro_Test local UIopen= false on isChecked return UIopen on execute do ( if…
Hi, i had this in the ‘cave’ ( try (destroydialog RO_Blur) catch() global RO_Blur rollout RO_Blur “Blur Value” ( radiobuttons rdo_sel labels:#(“Scen…
Hi, how about this ? plugin simpleMod Mod1 name:“Mod1” ClassID:#(0x75e16d7e, 0x236a84d3) category:“Scripted Primitives” ( local R1 local R2= ( rollou…
Hi, Another solution would be to save each bitmaps in a specific folder. Then do an action in Photoshop to batch process the folder.
Hi, Why need a custom attribute ? You can wire the ‘percent along path’ and do the math in the wire expression.
hi, MeshMod = allObj[i].modifiers[“XPlaneObj8Mesh”] should be : MeshMod = allObj[i].modifiers[“X-Plane Mesh Params”] – the name of the modifier Also…
Hi, need to build the layernames array, then access it. totalLayers = LayerManager.count – 1 layernames = (for i = 0 to totalLayers collect (LayerMa…
Hi, You are executing macroscripts, not scripts !!! Macroscripts have a ‘.mcr’ extention while scripts have a ‘.ms’ extention. open the macroscrip…