It’s a strange bug. I’ve tested the script under 3ds Max 9 x64 but there’s no slowdown on my computer. In fact, I check if the viewport window size wa…
Hi Enrico, In fact, when the tool is run, I initialize the drawing in the current active viewport. What’s the size of your viewport window ? Have you…
In fact the problem I have is I’m drawing directly in the viewport window creating a Graphics from its handle. I can’t use the .NET double buffer beca…
Hi Pete, Thanks for the feedback. I’ve never heard about this problems with the Dispose() function in Max. When I read your post about this problem …
Hi Paul, You can construct a System.Decimal from an Int32: decimalValue = dotNetObject “System.Decimal” 5 But it is not really needed: rollout Nu…
Have you tried to output the results of the actions by hand in the MAXScript listener ?
In fact, I’ve never seen a control updating its Scroll value without mouse Wheel event in it. But you can update a ListView when in the other, a ListV…
As I said in my previous post, there’s no way to get ListView ScrollBar or Scroll value. But why do you want to scroll two ListViews at the same time…
I thought about that also but it seems you can only do that with a ScrollBar control. There’s no way to get ListView ScrollBar or Scroll value.
Eduardo, I think the best solution for UI interaction would be to change the SelectedIndices or SelectedItems value. This way the ScrollBar will be u…
In fact Set is a container class (like Collection, List, Dictionnary etc…). We can’t use it in MAXScript because we don’t have generics mechanism. I t…
There’s no difference between them. I hope they will add new classes and methods in future releases. Thanks a lot for pointing the others interesting…
In fact MaxForm class is from 3ds Max .NET SDK. So, initially it was designed to be used in plugins mixing managed (C++) / unmanaged (VB.NET, C#, C++/…
tabControlEx is .NET 1.1 (so it doesn’t work with .NET in MAXScript). tabControl 2 below is .NET 2.0 but it seems it doesn’t implement complex alignem…