$.length Would be what I normally use, but (ofcourse there was but) that wount work with node what class is “Bone”. That is somekind of legacy bone o…
For everyones to know. I am stupid . Loop all bones take bone position and take current bone parent bone position and you have size of bone. AAAAAAARR…
Ok. I just found out than I use bones what are class “Bone” not “BoneGeometry” like they shoud be. Now my problem is how I can convert “Bone” type to …
Ok. I got it work. Real problem is skin modifier itself not my code. Modifiers seems to need little reselecting time to time. Here’s working code …
Oh! It works with polys as well. cool. That is usual way for me. Loop all vertices and make move and calculations. Problem is than when you have lot …
Aarrr! Poly object. Sorry. Right back
vs = getVertSelection $ x = – do some calculation y = – do some calculation z = – do some calculation for i in 1 to (vs.count) do ( setVertSelection …
And here is nice site for getting dem data from usa (free).
Sorry guys Didn’t mean to start any problems.
Thanks! That worked like a dream! bow
Tryed that one, but normals seems to be wrong. Anyway your idea sounds working so problem is propably in my code. So here goes. vertnormal = 0…