Select the model and press Control-V. Or simply merge (File->merge) it into a new file. May be I didnt exactly understand what you need…
The macro recorder will record most of your actions, but I doubt that you’ll get a perfect model back if you play it back. But whats the point of it? …
Those are pretty good ideas. I’m dreaming of an ms IDE, with integrated listener output window and visual ms window. Autocomplete with parameter help …
Wow it works! Thanks…
Finally some fix. Your site is down I think.
i have been mucking about with visual maxscript and created 3 buttons with script for each but cant get the buttons into max . Vms is a bit buggy :p…
I assume that the object is in vertex subobject mode and you are worried about losing the vert selection. Try this if it works – Save current vertex…
I’d like to know what approch you are following to convert the mouse storke to geometry? I.e your algorithm and flow chart. Looks interesting…
OK heres a modification… The rotateface function rotates the selcted faces about their respective centers through all x y z axes. [Btw: I wanted to ad…
Thanks a lot Bobo, it works. Looks kinda convoluted, but if I pack it in a function which takes the face-seclection and angle as arg, it should do the…
What are those functions? Can you plz show some examples?
Thanks a lot lechoo, it worked ! Updated script is attached. I’m using it for 3dsmax5, should work for other versions I guess.