Paul, in fact it’s inspired from what you did on mirrorverts,but now i have to make it for twe object,insted of one object and it’s vertecies. i used …
yep,now it works so i should store old values,thanks aLOt Dave yes Exactlly!
yes yes Dave i know Basic animation priniciple,and know it needs 2 keys to move between, even if i run this script in to difrent timeslider frame and …
thanks dude for answer but i did right now and it again doesn’t move try it plz it doesn’t move at all.
hey,thank you it’s a great help also i got some answer in rigging forum,but now i have another question about using this issue: for example:we have tw…
Hi Jason,really thank you,it was a perfect help to me, but still it doesn’t return the intersection.pos.z value,so the wheel.pos.z do not access that …
thanks Kramsurfer for your replay,but still can’t do it i show you a screen capture of the scene to be more clear: as you see the wheel is on the sur…
Also you can use the code below: fn putvray = ( for i = 1 to 24 do ( meditmaterials[i] = vraymtl name:(“Vraymtl” + i as string) ) ) fn putstnd = (…