I think that Vojtech’s solution works if the Box constructor doesn’t include the pivot parameter! I need to test some more but I changed: local poly …
Yes, that is really the goal. The hull has to use the points provided. Like mentioned above, when I used the nvpx.CreateConvexFromPoints() method, it…
Fiddling some more… I wanted to try this: in coordsys world ( slice obj #all (ray pos vector) node:obj for vert in verts where NOT isPositiv…
This is really helpful. The thought of slice was on my radar. Your example works great for points around the origin… but if they are all offset somew…
denisT: are you sure that i will share it? Oh, snap! I imagine that Denis is actually an alien prince sent here to learn about our ways and toy…
Be glad you found Denis and this advice… because I started blindly learning MXS using the old ways and didn’t learn about a lot of the current trends …
Gravey… that’s some scary JavaScript you’ve got going on in that post. I’m assuming it wasn’t intentional. I’m trying to figure out the connection of …
The selection is the array. Look into: polyop.getVertSelection <Poly poly> PS. Techumseh, Canada must be an impressive place. Not only was Te…
I concluded last year that there is a per-item limit in INI (when accessing via MAXScript). I was trying to store raw struct data in an INI. Yes, I kn…
denisT: here is it: btw… i found in documentation: meshop.getPolysUsingEdge <Mesh mesh> <edgelist> ignoreVisEdges:<boolean=false> …
denisT: unfixed author’s bugs sometimes help others to understand how the code works that’s the main difference between bugs and errors. Well ma…
Thanks Tim, that’s exactly what I needed. I am slowly starting to think in terms of .NET but it’s taking me time…
denisT: c’mon! errors! there is only one small bug (like this ¤). to fix it just change p at the end of function to node Yeah I know I only men…