And that, my friends, is absolutely not nice!
So the answer was a lot simpler than I had anticipated. I should be embarrassed. But I am comfortable with my own skin to know that I will always be a…
Didn’t test… so just sharing some advice. Some modifier methods can actually only be called successfully if the object using it is selected and the co…
Ignore this question… it is easily solved by copying the object and converting to mesh. I had this solution in the past but abandoned it… and my notes…
Denis … you are a godsend to my sanity. Thank you again and again. Such a simple solution to something my brain was convoluting into chaos! You are a …
That is fine. I’m exporting to the Source Engine and the animations are keys per frame anyway.
OK… I found a solution: replacementString = ” ” –set to whatever is best for needs cleanString = substituteString taintedString “\x1b” replacemen…
So I found a fix to this problem… here is modified code for anyone having a similar problem. The problem was related again to where the pivot is in a …
Below is a sample chunk of code edited to display the problem. It includes a set points that cause the functions to fail. I also modified it to add Po…
I need to return to this thread because there is a problem related to this that I just can’t figure out. When using Vojtech’s code, the functions wor…
Vojtech … do not apologize. I am very grateful. You saved me several hours of work learning those functions, and taught me how to use them in practice…