<modifier>.enabled ? $foo.modifiers[2].enabled = false — turn off 2nd modifier
Check out FileStream Values from help and use those methods to open and read file. You can for example read and append each line to an array and use t…
If you set LightName type to #integer ,you get the index of selected dropdown item. I don’t know if you can get the actual text.
Heres a quick example. Code assumes that you have your maxfiles in c: est and thumbnails are same name than max files (myScene1.max, myScene1.jpg etc….
Does it have to be buttons? I’ve done similar task using dotnet listview with LargeIcon style.
MerlinEl, may I ask why you are creating dotnet array for combobox? You can use normal maxscript arrays with most dotnet controls.
on selected drpLightName i do should be on drpLightName selected i do
Looks nice and useful! Maybe it could also display objects user defined properties (whole buffer or properties user want to see). Is this commercial p…
Looks like Bobo beat me by parsing stack() fn printDebug message:”” debugLevel:1 = ( local debugLevels = #(true,false,true) if(deb…
Works fine here. ( local savePath = getSavePath() print savePath )
Thanks a lot denisT
Check this out: $Spot01.shadowGenerator = VRayShadow()
Couple easy ways: local num = dotNetObject “System.Double” 1.2345 local decimals = 1 local result = ((dotNetClass “System.Math”).round num decimals)…