thanks for the fast reply as always! the first option works great
heres a clip o code that i’ve been using for so long that i dont really remember where it came from, so sorry to the origonal guy, i’m sure its obviou…
Give this a try… toss it in a file in the scripts/startup folder of a slave and give it a go. callbacks.removescripts id:#netrender_an…
rdg: I was always looking fot something like this. [no joke] Georg Sorry to be off topic here, but you can do this with a print to PDF ( PDFCre…
Just for information, Modulo is what you would use to do this in other languages and basic math, it can do basically the same thing as the ‘by #’ with…
If you just want to simply get rid of the groups altogether, you can use the Explode option in the group pulldown… As for the script, they may need t…
heres yet another way to do it, though mine was, until a few seconds ago, set to shut off the mat in viewport of selected objects… i use vray, which …
awesome, thanks… now i just need to make a fix mangled normals script, and i’ll be golden.
Heres a small macro that i tossed together at one point when frustratedly debugging someone elses scene i’m pretty sure its just the ‘format’s that a…
a ‘pass through’ type file works as long as the filename doesn’t conflict with the previously defined Macroscriptname!, with the main content being fo…
I’m experimenting with this now, and must say thats a pretty damn cool setup you’ve got going on there. One thing i noticed was a file i had here, wh…
Neat, thats something thats been bugging me for a while that was actually one of the first scripts i ever wanted to do… to mimic the ‘/’ hotkey from …
I’ve got a spline to boxes script by daniel mollen, but his site appears to be dead, so i’ll throw it in here, should be easy to switch out primitives…