Got it sorted out. I was writing the directory string wrong. Here is the finished working script. Works with net rendering as well. get the files re…
Ok no errors in the script now but I am getting a dialog that pops up and says error opening the mov and then one right after thats says error creatin…
Ok I have had some luck using this to save the mov. But I keep getting errors now. It worked once but it hasent worked sence then. movName = getFilen…
Ok this is working great. I am just trying to edit a section so that I can save the mov to a different directory or the adobe watch folder. The green …
Perfect. Works great. A few hicups with the .jpg files but I did finely get a .mov. I changed formats to .png and nothing but smooth sailing. Since we…
I just got some eroors trying to just save a .mov from ram player. So that might be the problem right there. I am going to try to update quicktime and…
Here is what I am getting now. Looks pretty good until we get to “create an ouput bitmap”. “autoQuicktime DEBUG” “autoQuicktime DEBUG” “get the files…
We are getting really close. The last problem was becuse I chose the #1 as my file name I have sence changed it to test me and the sequence loaded cor…
Here is what I am getting from max. I think it might be somthing I am doing like file paths or somthing. “autoQuicktime DEBUG” “get the files rendere…
I think it is pulling undefined at this line – open the IFL as a bitmap iflBitmap = openBitmap iflName After that we get these errors – Error occurr…
Wow, thank you so much. This is pretty close to exactly what we needed. We are just trying to get rid of a step in our pipeline. We have to mamually …
I was hoping to be able to modify this script to run a script with the dependant job. I have it submiting jobs with a depadant just fine. I dont think…
Pen, Thanks. We actually used your script instead and network rendering seems to be fine now. Any ideas on adapting that script to a path constrait? …
Any ideas on why this script would work differently when network rendering? If I render locally everything works perfect. When I render through the ne…