I would try commenting out the first part of the code and see what happens. It works for me. ( –local managerIPorName = “localhost” –comment this…
I generally use the ip address or the computers name. I’ve found that using local host never works on our network. m = netrender.getmanager() c1 …
So far so good. I am using the falloff inside a shader element and I have the near and far ranges wired to the camera environment ranges. Thanks for a…
Ahh, sweet this might be the way to go. I ‘ll be back soon and let you know if it works. thanks
Thanks, but that won’t work. The zmin and zmax are not animatable and you cant wire to them. I am already doing this where I can in may script. The pr…
Awesome thanks, I guess I am not that original then. He doesn’t post his scripts though but it seems like something bobo just posted.
My idea is to use this to rig a rubix cube. So that you can move the circle with out it affecting any of the cubes. When you get the circle over the g…
Thats awesome. Thanks Bobo. How would I edit this so it selects everything in the z and x or in the x and y but not all directions or maybe limit one…
I have become pretty dependent and on these tools since I first heard of them on this thread. I have since moved to 64bit and can no longer use them. …
Ah looks like I spoke too soon. It was the daylight system and a photometric light in my scene that where throwing the errors. I hid them and used se…
PEN, I downloaded and installed you rigging utils. but the Edit Controllers section keeps throwing up an error when I try to use it. the error states…
Sweet works perfectly thanks. Still didnt find my problem though. I am starting to think that the scripts are in a phatom controller or somthing any i…