Thanks Robert… Basically I am a Maya user and I have experience writing mel scripts… Thanks to helpful members like bobo here, i am up to speed with m…
Thanks…Got something going… Will post back if I need more help… Examples are always welcome though Thanks again vij
labbejason: Do you mean like this? Oh Yes!!! Please help
RustyKnight: Start with:DotNet In MAXScript And when your done with all that, goto You will need to create your own form and populate it with dotn…
RustyKnight: I don’t think you can… If you are running max 9+ you could try doing a complete dot net implementation…I think that would be the only …
Thanks mate. Ok, have seen some neat popup menu examples…but how do I get the real menu and menuItem sit on the bar inside my custom UI?
I need custom menu n menu Items in my basic UI that I posted. In Mel we have menu and menuItem functions which seamlessly adds menu/menuItems to our…
Just to clear things, I asked the Q in the most basic way to keep things simple… Can anyone point me as to how to be able to create menus in my Dialo…
bobo I tried extending your array but it doesnt seem to work. Just pasting part of your script fn buildLayerData = (…
thanks aahchoo… bobo, did you just write it on the fly…really nice. I saw your dvds for sale. Dont you have any online download page where I can pay …
thats not what Im looking for really… I need a variable named autodesk to be created using a and b. your variable is named newVar.