Idk if its on this thread, but just tried this: struct eName(FirstName,MiddleName,LastName) struct eSal(WeeklyRate,MonthlyRate,AnnualRate) struct eA…
Umm…I think we should sometimes when we get errors… Probably you can refer to making nested structs in c++, which I do generally. Is there any othe…
Can you make some structs via dot net when making a class library and pass data from max to the structs? I have not used .NET much…
I don’t think it will work. Also nested structures is not what max would support accoring to me…
But the thing which is confusing is: if after applying the pos of the vertex1 is changed(lets take vertex 1 as reference), you are trying to change …
Don’t know what you exactly you want to do, but I have a formula for you: This is what you have to do I dont know how you will find out a normal of …
why don’t you try using SETVERT, take the initial pos of vert and do a set vert by pos + value you want…set vert works well with me at BASEOBJECT leve…
is it slow or fast?
have you tried mesher compound object? may be that would work!!!
may be, primitives don’t carry information with them, so it wont have to iterate through all faces to give it an id…
I would like to contribute something… If I would like to copy some mesh objects which have a multi-material placed on it, obviously, we have set mate…
This is what you need to do probably: thePoint = [0,0,0] –point3 position which i have taken to be [0,0,0] — myObject = the object you want to t…
That’s something Cool!!!
Denis, Actually, I made a mistake by not noting the time in Canada and asking for help!!! So I apologize for that…any ways, I have decided to not scri…