Oh god ! I forgot the cache system . Thank a lot for your help. So i will test it to see. I think that the size of the file will be large for 2000 par…
Thank you very much. i didn’t think about that. I’ll test it. I can test the .particleAge value to know when i’am in the animation.
So i found that if i put my code in a birth script, the time to generate the particles significally decrease by 4. It’s a great thing but the PFlow sy…
So i found a way to get my characters and change their face ID like in the approach 2. In fact, i snapshot the mesh and i get access to the face ID of…
I have a 16G system but my render servers are 4G. So i need to save some memory. Thank you for your replies.
Thank you very much hotknife. I fact i never use the Material Dynamic and the Material Frequency before. This tools are very useful. I have now one c…