well, you sure met the challenge :applause:
i corrected my previous post… it works great thanks
Works Great! thank you so much for all your help
i’ll try though i think the face center check is what i need (even though its not as correct) thanks
i did this: for i = 1 to iNumFaces do ( p3FaceCenter = meshOp.getFaceCenter obj i p3CameraToVertDir = normalize(p3FaceCenter – p3Camer…
thanks, this part: if (fDotViewAngle < fThresh) then ( baFrontFaces[i] = true ) returns true for those faces , so i guess they…
i got it to work almost perfectly (including UI ) but i see that the selection is not perfect, there are a few faces that are definitely not occluded …
Thank you so much:applause:
Dare we ask what you’re trying to do, just in case there’s a simpler solution? basically i need to know which faces are visible at a specific camera…