Puleeease Guys! Help a stranded artist…
OK, well thats easy enough. A matrix3 is a 3X4 matrix containing 4 vectors: x y z w. Each vector determines an axis in world space from the origin – t…
🙁 Guys! Its from one problem to another. While the “In Coordsys” context solved my rotation problems, Maxscript is giving me headaches as I scri…
OOooo:eek: How did I miss that? More, … You’ve shown me something too: “In Coordsys” Context! Thanks a lot!
When using script controllers you must create variables that are assigned a reference to the track or node that you are using in the expression. This …
It WOrKs! Here is the final result: Solved the problem using Wire Parameters. That wasn’t the initial setup. However, I can’t help wondering if the f…
Thanks djlane. I have tried that – problem is, animating the trunk with this setup will require a good sense of proportion on the animator’s part as …