thanks for your reply. I need to do it frequently with a lot of skinned models. That’s why i’m looking for a better, more automatic way. Any suggestio…
[OFF] just to revive a bit As far as I understand arithmetic average XYZ coords should be calculated out of the group vertices to move bone there. Al…
oh, man. it looks nice, but too complex for me. can you explain how to use it? i’m trying this with no luck: for o in selection do ( skinUtilsWrap…
PePeTD: … the function to create skinData does not return the object. agrr, that’s what I wanted. to use it in the script after creation. ex: I w…
thanks for your reply. Is it work only for actual name? Since I use maxscript I want to use it for several times, and for different names.
PolyTools3D: So you do want each entry to be in a different line instead of one line? try(select (#() + $’Bip*Pelvis’ + $’Bip*Spine*’ + $’Bi…
I feel noob myself. Ok, I will try to explain. I’d like to use Try/Catch with the Select function because it let me keep code exactly as following: t…
I appreciate for this approach, PolyTools. But this is going to be really heavy for the case. Can you explain why try() is not working along with the …
no, I meant how it represented in code: I want something like this: $’Bip Acolyte1A Pelvis’, $’Bip Acolyte1A Spine’, $’Bip Acolyte1A Spine1′, $’…
oh, when I was quoting there was just first example thank you. Can I use last example like a top-down list?
this work great, but is there any way do not duplicate these “join nodes” lines?
Thank for your answer, PolyTools. The reason why I’d like to select object with try() it’s because I like to see/control the list of objects like belo…