OK thanks for the clarification. This is what I came up with last night. Looking at the code this morning it looks like the wrong way to go about doi…
Just to quickly clarify Denis, The array of nodes that is output – are you looking for an array of every node and every material that has an animatio…
Hmm this is proving to be pretty difficult. There are so many damn properties to check!! So far I have a function that checks for baseObject properti…
I’m trying to think of a quick way of doing this and all I can come up with is horrible loops within loops. Sounds like a good challenge. I’m in
Something like this? for a in selection do ( for b in a.modifiers where classOf b == turboSmooth do ( print “code here” ) ) Edit: Heh, looks l…
Cheers for the info Dennis. I wasn’t aware random could be used like that.
No problem, glad to help. By the way I should have done this earlier but didn’t see it. There is no need to calculate random values for every object….
It may be because you have a couple of items selected that do not have a UVW Modifier. Also your code will only modify the first uvw map if you have m…
Surely you want to use msZip.fileInPackage rather than msZip.unloadPackage. In the documentation, it states that: msZip.unloadPackage: This method w…
Have you tried using execute instead of fileIn? execute (openFile (getDir #scripts + “test.ms”)) I’m not entirely sure I understand point 1. Are y…
Great stuff! Cheers for attaching the files. I’m very comfortable with maxscript / dotNet but have very little experience with c#, I’ll have a look t…
Instead of using the string “DoWork” in the BGW event try using “runWorkerCompleted”. This seems to put the worker in a queue and stops a lot of error…
Look at the line below that. It is asking for an imageList but i didn’t provide one. Get rid of that line if you don’t want to add an icon imagelist. …
No problem, glad to help Just a warning though, it’s not without it’s own problems. I’ve still yet to find a solution to this particular problem: …
I’m getting exactly the same error. It seems both callbacks are fired when the object is on layer 0, and then after it is moved to the ‘correct’ layer…