You may run into a problem where the nodes in your scene aren’t all editablePoly meshes. This will cause the script above to break, as it expects the…
Here is a script that will delete any subelement or node in the scene with 30 vertices. Feel free to modify it to meet your needs: fn detachSub myMe…
will your CAD imported mesh always be one mesh with one stray subelement, or could there be multiple meshes with multiple stray subelements? what s…
So I ran the script a few times and logged the output from the listener window. The exception manifests intermittently. I can’t duplicate it 100% of …
So, max is crashing when trying to apply a massFX modifier to certain meshes. I added this bit of code to the code above: for node in Geometry do …
The above code suffers from a fatal flaw: the modifiers are all instanced, and therefore use the wrong mesh for collision detection. Here’s a script …
Here is the example above with additional code that fragments the cubes. It’s pretty quick too, but I’m sure it could be faster. –massFX maxscrip…
actually, i was just missing the () after person. d’oh!
I’ve got a script with a fairly lengthy run time so I’ve added in the progress bar, and keep it updated as we loop through all the geometry in the s…
I haven’t posted in a while, but this thread caught my attention. I think all maxscripts should be released unencrypted for 3 reasons: You can dec…
I refined this core into a rollout. This rollout was then integrated in destruktorV2. Here’s a standalone version of simpleSlicer, perhaps someone wi…
Yep, waterbear is based on scratch. Although both of these give me hope for the VME, I don’t like how the nodes resemble puzzle pieces that snap toge…