BIG THANKS!!! I´ll try it, and once more, thanks…
the problem is, the exporter doesn´t see constrains… i use panda exporter to *.X format…
thats intresting… i´m currendly thinking of a script like this. It should prefent boneobjekts from passing through Polys. I would be intrestet in how …
i realy got serious, caus a script didn´t update correcly… after 1 1/2h i realised, that i actually never pressed “evaluat”. I hit save everytime:D
max script is pretty simpel to learn. Just use the tuts, and u´ll have mastred the first steps within a hour… TGM
yes, if you put a space betwen [i] and 1 it should work… greetz TGM
i don´t have any expirience with maya, could u discripe it a little bit more?? greetz TGM
I´m currendly working on an Blender like “layer” management of objects. Maybe this is an interessting topic??
Ok, u have to use the “mouse tool” declared as following: tool draw_polys ( on mousePoint button do ( if button==1 then –left klicked?? ( )…
i think my english is mutch more worse than yours… i´ll have a look about it… TGM
could u eventually discrpe your problem more eyactly???