Wouldn’t this be a LOT more efficient as a post-render script? Renderout. Rename files. Copy/Paste. Rename pasted files.
Two seperate objects dummies have an expression on them being driven by a third dummy. So as the first dummy approaches its limit I want to fade into…
Oh you want the material to actually do something! Haha. No the script doesn’t do anything. It just generates the “map” in a code format to do some…
ScatterObjects = #($Box01,$Box02,$Box03,$Box04) ScatterXWidth = 4 ScatterYHeight = 4 seed 11 ScatterArray = (for i = 1 to ScatterYHeight collect (for …
I was initially worried and started rewriting all my functions but then actually did some performance testing and found negligible at best differences…
Also a great time to use a struct or array.
Hold saves a copy of the scene into memory. Pretty much like a “Save As” and then Fetch Opens it. It lets you save out a complete scene instance to …
You’re making it even more difficult than it needs to be. in coordsys (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] $.center) (blah blah blah,…) EDIT: Scratch th…
Oh yeah and usage would be like FileDimensions = getDimsfromFile “C:\file.txt” #Returns a Struct# FileDimensions.Width gives you the width FileDime…
function getDimsfromFile file = ( struct dimensionsStruct (height,width,depth) dimensions = dimensionsStruct() csvfile = openFile file mode:”r” se…
That attached image is WAY too small. Quick question though. Are you pulling the baked bitmap from the VFB or the output path? The texture baking V…
This doesn’t fall under “more elegant” but it would be another way. Calculate a point along your ray on the opposite side of the bounds of your mesh …
Easy! [left]fn testFunc thevalue =[/left] [left]([/left] for i = theValue to 5000 do [left] ([/left] sleep 0.01 print thevalue [left] )[/…
Hmmm I don’t think I can be of any help. I’m not familiar with any of the components of the script. My only ignorant suggestion would be to explore p…