Specifically I’m getting some weird results with target cameras. And aligning an object to a target camera. for example this script doesn’t work at al…
Usage would be: DatabaseObject = SQL.Connect() SQL.Execute DatabaseObject “UPDATE avatar_data SET keyword=‘abc’ WHERE (modelid = 38)”
Here’s my SQLFunction Library. I just use this for everything. global SQL struct SQL ( function Connect host:”HOSTPATH” database:”DBNAME”…
Oh I thought the literal escape would force it. What about @“Foot.l” EDIT: Haha nope that doesn’t format right at all. I see what the problem is n…
Yes. EDIT: Wait… no. EDIT: Wait… Wait… Yes.
I always use: ” which is the literal for “.
Thanks Bobo and ZeBoxx. So the only way I could get the change handler to not crash was to create a rollout to delete it. Any better ideas? EDIT: Up…
JHN (johan) has also encountered this. I think it’s a bug.
I don’t think that’s it either. I can slllllooowwwly move the vertex around for a minute. And it sort of flashes a bit. But won’t do the proper transf…
Also looks like it’s got some “First Run Jitters”. And needs to get a crash out of its system when run from a cold start. EDIT: Also from time to tim…
Luckily I have just such a code already available. That’s what I was trying to replace with this. Moved: Here is my little project. I’m getting …
Also as I’m moving points here is what I’m seeing. As it’s in motion it’s returning the original mesh but then when my mouse stops moving it updates….