Hehe because the documentation says to be weary of using it except in special circumstances. We all think we are the need for ‘special circumstances’.
I’m using createfile right now and as long as you do var = createfile pathstring it’ll automatically open it.
One big speed improvement would be two wrap your code with disableSceneRedraw() enableSceneRedraw() That way your viewport doesn’t have to upda…
elfin25: is it possible to check if there is opacity map in max material and use it in nuke as alpha of diffuse map? Should work now in v2.8
Updated. Should work on older versions of Max as long as you have AVGuard (< 2008) installed.
Well. I would prefer to just patch my camera system to add vray support. I’m not certain what element of his script works with VRay cameras. I’m s…
is it giving you a specific error with VRay cameras? I dont’ have a copy here. But if I knew the error it was returning I could pretty easily deduce …
I’ll check in on VRay cameras. (Currently it does support Brazil 2 cameras. FYI.) Is opacity in a nuke material just carried in through a channel co…
Updated to version 2.7 (see first post).
Yeah the current plan is to just output the chan files to the same folder as the objs. Maybe a sub folder for the chan files? Or even a more refined f…
What I’m working on right now: FBX support Adding scale in addition to rotation and transform. Custom time ranges (Transform and Animated Mesh (per o…
Oops! Script was broken. Fixed now… I hope. Really small fix so I just left it the same name/version. Not selecting a camera resulted in an error. …
Everything seems to work perfectly here. (XPx64)