Ummmm it looks like Camera translations are quaternian transforms: rotate $camera_name (angleaxis 34 [0,0,1]) Not certain how to do it in absolute t…
Closer, but it needs one seemingly redundant change to keep the text box active while typing: –Create Rollout try destroyDialog drop_text_test catc…
Eureka! A new way of entering data is born! –Create Rollout try destroyDialog dialogname catch () rollout drop_text_test “Drop_Down_Textbox” ( edi…
But wouldn’t that be two boxes? I would like to do it all in one… unless hehe… I put the drop down behind the text box… and then set it off to the si…
Well I would if I knew more about it. I know though I’ve set up some basic scripts to have the mouse control an attribute such as height of an object…
Sorry I didn’t read the whole thread so ignore this if someone has already brought it up but: There is a “motion capture” utility which allows max va…
Seems to be a problem with the final value. If you remove it, the function runs fine. just… on a scale of 0.
Would the rounding errors be mitigated by using a simpler less manipulated value like say: the distance between vertex00001 and vertex00002? I would…
Those are perfect thanks!
You can use any mysql installer during Step #1. I looked at JSAS briefly and it looks like it is just like PHPDev in that it is an: Apache, MySQL and …
Michael Chen: Never knew you could use “MySQL with 3DS Max”. You couldn’t until Max 8
Consider this my questions post… Things I could use help with: Currently Empty… check back later for more questions.