Where are you trying to declare the rollout? I think rollouts have to be global and can’t be defined within an “if” statement for instance. Might be …
showTextureMap materialname on
While we’re on the subject of formatting. Is there also any way to change the color of text in a format, print or rollout?
[color=white]A script is worth a million words: [/color] Global stuff = #(“There is a Variety 1234″,”There is a lack of Virtuosity 1234”, “Captain…
You were trying to define “rotate” as a global variable earlier in your code. So when it tried to run that part of the code it was actually executing:…
I have seen that error message before but I’m trying to recreate a scenario and am failing to do so.
Could you post your scene file? I still can’t replicate the error message or any error message for that matter. If the two objects are just cubes then…
I can’t replicate that error message. It works perfectly here. One problem that should be kicking up an error is NewAngle needs to be a float not in…
arghh() works too. Whenever Max9 Finds a function it doesn’t recognize it dumps every variable currently in memory into the listener when it gives th…
hehe. Not exactly an officially sanctioned debugging methodology but it works. Well… it works in max 9.
More debugging than you could possibly ask for, just type: “Cuku ()” in your max script where you want to see what’s going on. Then run your script a…
Yes. In max 8+ they added a debugger. If you go to Help -> MaxScript Reference and type in “debugger” in the index they have also included a tuto…