Should work although I can think of a scenario based on scenes I have where this would still break. You select an object that is part of an open grou…
Theoretically if you select objects in an open group it would break their grouping assignment. I suppose you would want to store each object’s origin…
Selection sets don’t actually have a position. What’s a little odd is that Max’s “centering” of the transform gizmo isn’t actually the “center” locat…
dest = [0,0,0] CurPos = SelectMove = Dest – CurPos s = selection as array for o in s do ( o.pos += selectMove )
-Filestream can load data if you have a text file being modified somewhere. -I posted a MySQL interface tutorial a year or so ago here. -There is an o…
Couldn’t you use a green sphere primitive with “display as wireframe” checked in its properties?
Hehe perhaps we could agree to refuse to help you in the future. Then you can tell him. “They’re all being mean and unless you give me time to learn m…
Yeah that was a mistake. But even on code it still doesn’t indent properly. It will indent correctly if I paste it into an RTF application like Word…
XP here too. Just tried it in Max 8 and 9. Exact same result.
macroScript addselect category:“Edit” ButtonText:“AddSelection” ToolTip:“Adds to Selection” ( global addSelecton global sel = selection as ar…
AllObjs = #() AllCyls = #() AllObjs = $objects as array for i = 1 to AllObjs.count do ( if MatchPattern AllObjs[i].name pattern:”cg_*” == true the…
newdir = “C:\\New Folder\\” maplist = usedmaps() makedir newdir for map in maplist do (mapname = FilenameFromPath map copyfile map (newdir+mapname…
blink Blink… Into Poser? Did I hear the question right? I better go to the doctor I’m not feeling well and I think I’m hallucinating.
Another way to express it is mathematically: (2n) = “Even” [2,4,6,8,…] and ((2n) -1) = “Odd” [1,3,5,7,…] anyway this should do it: fn ParImpar n…