While I have your attention Bobo. How do I keep two scripts open and visible at the same time?! I love everything else. But I’m always copy/pasting…
Actually I noticed that what they did was just integrate SciTE a very popular editing app (Fusion uses it too) and just added a MAXScript definition …
fn intersectsAdv bignode littlenode = ( maxdif = bignode.max – littlenode.max if maxdif[1] >= 0 and maxdif[2] >= 0 and maxdif[3] >= 0 t…
Small modification to your code: [left]when transform $testObj changes ID:#testHandlerID do (…)[/left] [left]You had the ID after the do.[/l…
Perfect! Thanks guys. I think I’ll do a hybrid of the two. A callback when the script interface is open and then shut it down when the interface is…
It’s been a few months… anybody found a work around yet?
I also saw at the roadshow that Autodesk is offering custom plugin time ala carte. Might want to contact your Autodesk dealer and see if it’s reasona…
And personally even having used Maya and Max more than any other app I love “S” like XSI. I Really really really really wish that we could replace th…
I thought about a callback but it would have to be active ‘all day’ which would be a potential memory leak/bloat/inefficient use of system resources. …
Edit: I didn’t realize The Onion was based on Maxscript I thought it was an SDK plugin. I’ll take a look and see if I can’t strip it down.