– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 47 – Runtime error: OLEObject method call failed: Error Message 1: Provider is not spec…
I’m not a helicopter pilot but I did animate UAVs for 6 months. If you pitch a helicopter forward… it doesn’t fly downward does it? The lift should …
That’s perfect! Tags for future generations: Push Max Render Button Dialog Maxscript Change Camera render() Scene
Could someone do something reeeaalllly basic for me? I see a lot of Python -> Max stuff. But how do I make the round trip? I’m still trying to wr…
That should let you extract the checkers from any arbitrary object not just Cubes and planes.
TileLengthX,Y,Z = UVWGizmoGlobalLengthX,Y,X / (UVW TileX,Y,Z * Map TileX,Y,Z * 2) TotalX,Y,ZSlices=((BoxLengthX,Y,Z/TileLengthX,Y,Z)+1) Determine th…
I have noticed that Max2008 is a bit pickier about syntax. I had an If a == b then () If b == d then () print a print b type script and it got all …
This would be infinitely easier with a single grayscale render from max for the lighting and perspective and a photoshop batch script. -Create photos…
Bixel: I was flabbergasted that you cant get it lower that 2 frames, say you just want 1 frame. How about this: rendTimeType – integer Get/set …
Well there is a macro for fusion which uses some clever cropping.
I’m considering an “advanced selection volume” mode which would use arbitrary geometry for selecting but performance suffers pretty badly compared to …
Isolating two volumes should isolate the ‘additive volume of all isolated volumes. This way you could isolate two places at once. I haven’t used it mu…