If you don’t want to have to use a camera you can also write a DirectX Shader to do it. Should be a supppper easy DX shader. for y = 1 to framebuff…
Yeah I’ve never gotten any pre-render or post-render scripts to work through backburner.
Ok I enhanced the SQLReturnArray function. I don’t know why I didn’t include all of the relevant code into one function. This should be more useful an…
I’m having a bit of trouble with executing a “literal” SQL script: cmdObject.commandText = (@“INSERT INTO cvs (JobNum,FileStatus,FileUser,FileName) V…
Also a correction to your example: cmdObject.commandText = “INSERT INTO test_table (`name`, `phone`) […] needs to read: cmdObject.commandText = “…
A little function for converting a result into a max array for more max centric parsing etc. function SQLReturnArray SQLObj = ( local SQLDataSe…
I’m only getting one result via the while readerObject.read() […] method. Any ideas? It’s returning the first result just fine. But just stopping the…
Thanks a lot! I’ll put this to use on monday for sure.
Because I want multiple users to be able to open and view a file. While one user can continue working on it.
.NET can get really picky in how you alter a table with an AI Key. I find it easiest to simply inject generic SQL without using all the fancy .net m…
You’re probably going to need to use an “update” command. If you go the ODBC route it’s: recordSet.update #(“id”, “name”) #(1,”newname”) Similarl…
Just adding onto the praise of how awesome this is. I have absolutely no use for a scrolly timeline but I’m already plotting how to hack it into a mil…
Found the source of the problem I guess it wasn’t on the merge: $.transform = prerotateX $.transform 270 99.9999% of the time that works properly. B…