That function would be problematic if you had a dummy in your group. This is the function I use. —- Find most senior group containing designated…
Hmmmmmm… it would seem I need to add another feature to Professor Xref…
It’s not possible by default. What you have to do is a bit of trickery through an overlayed text entry box that’s precariously overlapping the drop d…
As expected… Bobo has a more elegant solution I just found in the Scrolls of the Ages™ aka the archives. fn RoundFloat valfloat = ( floor (valf…
fn roundfloat floatvar = ( if floatvar-(floatvar as integer) >= 0.5 then (return ceil floatvar as integer) else (return floor floatvar as integer)…
fn CommaNumbers numberstring divstring:”,” = ( DecimalOffset = findstring numberstring “.” if DecimalOffset != undefined then (DecimalOffset -= 1) …
fn CommaNumbers numberstring = ( wholenumbers = filterstring numberstring “.” decimals = wholenumbers[2] numberstring = wholenumbers[1] for i = (…
I think a plugin to filter delete events would be such a welcome addition to the toolset that most studios wouldn’t mind rolling it out. People have …
You can do everything in the reel through a Rollout and Dialog except for the 2d pos markers. Only 1D Sliders are possible using MXS objects–which is…
Ahhhhhhh it’s under array. I knew it had to exist somewhere. (aMin 25 36) returns: 25 Perfect! That should be added as a link to Number Methods and…
try()catch() can fail silently. For instance instead of checking to see if an object exists before deleting it… You can just throw it in a try()catch…
Well here is a simple example though: You XRef in a scene (which contains a cube). You parent the XrefScene to a dummy. You move the dummy off to the…
New question: Is there a way to get an XRef Scene’s transform matrix? I know it’s got to have one because you can move it around.