Ha! and here all this time I’ve been thinking to myself “I guess I’ll use inode.handle… but really what are the chances of using it on a teapot?” Way…
Hahahahaha. Very nice. I just change the size of the imgbox. fn resizebitmapdims inputbitmap maxdims = ( local outputaspect = (maxdims.x/(maxdim…
Oops wrong forum. Oh well.
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].DetachtoObject (“R_”+$.name) That’s the only line of code you need. There were some problems before such as the fact it woul…
jonahhawk: BINGO BABY!!!:bounce: You rock!!! Sometimes I get on a roll with scripting and everything works. Most of the time I hit the wall and my…
You’re trying to feed a bitmap class into a string (Filename) slot. Don’t feed it the whole themap bitmap just feed it themap.filename
DOH! bitmaptex filename:map.filename name:”” assign a filename not a bitmap to the bitmaptex. beats head on desk.
What’s the error? I don’t have VRay so I can’t help on any VRay Mat specific stuff. Ok I just rewrote it to work with standard and I get the same err…
local theMaterial = VRayMtl() name = refPlaneName I’m suspicious of this line. That isn’t proper Maxscript grammar. It should be something like …
I’m a bit confused as to which line it’s happening on. It looks like it’s happening after the VRay Material is defined but *before the plane is creat…
Only thing unusual I see is the length and width being defined as “local” and inside () but somehow being seen outside. I would have expected them to …
function Insert DBConnection TableName DataArray ID:”NULL” = ( SQLRequest = (“INSERT INTO ” + (TableName as string) + ” VALUES (“+(ID as string)) fo…
As far as error messages go I don’t know. I have a try(SQL.Insert DB string)catch(Print “Insert Failed”) system in place right now.
Solved it I should use a .ExecuteScalar() instead of ExecuteReader. Then on my SQL insert command tack on “; SELECT @@Identity as ‘Identity’” Then t…